How a Slice of Cheesecake Saved Me 28,513 Frequent Flyer Miles
In preparation for all my travels I started looking into a United MilesPlus credit card to replace my Chase Ink for business card. As a traveler, I’m always looking for the best deal to be had and I think this will be a good move for me. 2 miles per dollar spent on United Airlines tickets, on restaurants, and business supplies. Additionally I get 30,000 frequent flyer miles applied to my account if I spend $1,000 within the first three months. That is one domestic flight for free. Just for spending money I was already going to spend. Additional perks include 1 free bag on United Airlines and 2 United Club passes for the super swanky airport lounges. Those will come in handy during my 8 hour layover in Singapore this coming winter.

All this research led me onto my United Frequent Flyer profile where I realized my current 28,513 miles were set to expire in a week! I called the airlines because I’m flying a United flight in August, surely they’d be able to give me a 1-month extension so the miles wouldn’t expire…nope. They said I had a few options; I had to use or earn miles before the expiration date. I could go online shopping through the MileagePlus online mall or I could go out and dine with MileagePlus Dining. I checked out the restaurant list available in my area and noticed a diner not even 3 miles away from my house. I signed up with MileagePlus Dining and entered my current credit card I was going to use and went to the diner. I ordered a $5.95 slice of cheesecake, paid with my credit card and left. The dining experience could take up to 10 days to apply to my MileagePlus account but I am confident I won’t have a problem. By allowing MileagePlus to email me I qualified for 3 miles per $1 spent at the diner. I’m assuming within the week I’ll see between 15-18 frequent flyer miles added to my United account. In effect, activating it for another 18-months before my miles are at risk to expire again.
There are a lot of unconventional ways to earn more frequent flyer miles and get to travel for free or little cost to you. Make sure you research your airline of choice and see their “earn miles” section just so you’re aware of all your options! Happy travels!